Event Schedule

17:30 - Arrival and Networking
Arrive early to network with other industry leaders before the presentations and formalities begin. Expect to see high representation from Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, Facility Management, Academia and all other forms of BIM industry stakeholders.

18:00 - Introduction
A rundown on the agenda for the evening and a word from our sponsor.

18:10 - Revit Topography, how to model fast and accurate: Joe Banks (BIM EDGE)
Revit Topography, how to model fast and accurate.
Speaker Bio
I have been working in the architectural industry since 2002 and with Revit since version 8 (2005), I have worked on Revit projects from $50k-$900Million and have been responsible for BIM projects up to LOD 500, 4D and 5D. Additionally, I have completed multiple practice Revit implementations and the training of over 200 users.
With a broad range of experience on different types of projects, I'm always trying to implement new technology to enable higher productivity. I'm currently working on 3D printing, VR and real-time graphics engines, real-time collaboration, reality capture using photogrammetry/drone scanning and analytics for architecture.
Social Media
Personal LinkedIn: au.linkedin.com/in/joebanksbim

18:35 - Revit and openBIM - What you should know : Jon Mirtschin (Geometry Gym)
openBIM with Revit can be intimidating and frustrating beyond pushing the button. This presentation will demonstrate concepts that are common to Revit and the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). Insights will be provided into the benefits of delivering/sharing IFC, and how to check or validate IFC files when sharing or receiving them. Guidance on how to receive/provide requirements of IFC will also be explained.
Speaker Bio
Jon Mirtschin received his Bachelor of Engineering/Science from the University of Melbourne. He worked for Connell Wagner and Expedition Engineering (London) before starting Geometry Gym in 2009. Geometry Gym provides openBIM consultancy and training. It also develops BIM software tools specifically for Model Exchange using openBIM standards such as IFC. These are primarily in the form of plugins for applications such as Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper and various structural analysis applications.
Social Media
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-mirtschin-a514b58/
Personal Twitter: Geometry Gym (@geometrygym) / X (twitter.com)

19:00 - Digital Twin Victoria eComply - Luke Bassett - VIC Govt. - Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
Digital Twin Victoria eComply - Leveraging BIM for regulatory compliance checks.
Digital Twin Victoria and technology partner Archistar have worked together to build the eComply framework and co-develop an innovative prop-tech solution that’s introducing a new era of streamlined building approvals using digital twin rules-as-code assessments.
The current building design and approval process is very paper intensive for home designers, builders, building surveyors and council statutory planners. While there are pockets of digitisation across the sector, it’s often not joined up, meaning paper is the only way to transfer information through the whole process.
eComply tools leverage geospatial cadastral and planning data, digital house designs using Building Information Modelling (BIM), along with digital twin analysis to automate compliance testing processes.
This presentation will showcase the world leading technology and the specifications that will be made available as part of the eComply digital assessment framework to enable future development of digital planning compliance solutions.
Luke Bassett Speaker Bio
Luke Bassett is the Automated Approval lead in Digital Twin Victoria, heading up the eComply framework aiming to enhance the building and planning approval experience as well as integrate approvals into Victoria’s Digital Twin. The Digital Twin Victoria program is a record $37.4 million investment by the Victorian Government in digital twin technology and spatial innovation to create Victoria online. Luke has more than a decade of experience within and for government, delivering platforms to help make planning smarter and easier.in Planning and his team is working with emerging technologies to solve planning built form challenges.
Robert Stopajnik Speaker Bio
Robert has over 25 years’ of property industry experience across range of roles with grassroots experience gained on commercial construction sites with the likes of Multiplex, through to private development of residential estates, aged care and commercial assets.
More recently Robert has been focused on the delivery of residential communities and affordable housing on behalf of the government, which includes such agencies as the Department of Housing and now as a Development Director at Development Victoria.
Robert is also a true believer in the power of technology to vastly improve the means in delivering property solutions.
Social Media
Luke's Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-bassett-gis/

19:25 - Industry Update
Get the latest BIM news about upcoming BIM events, industry developments and general musings from MelBIM Committee member Will Joske.

19:30 - Networking: Food and Drinks Thanks to Our Sponsor
With the formal part of the evening over, it’s now time to get social. Thanks to our event sponsor, enjoy some complimentary ‘BIMbeers’, wine, or soft drink and a casual bite to eat whilst striking up conversation with industry peers and colleagues.