Event Schedule

17:00 - Arrival and Networking
Arrive early to enjoy a welcome drink and network with other industry leaders before the presentations and formalities begin. Expect to see high representation from Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, Facility Management, Academia and all other forms of BIM industry stakeholders.

17:30 - Welcome and Introduction
Take a seat in our awesome venue for the evening. Make yourself comfy and hear from our fantastic event sponsor

17:45 - From BIM to Digital Twin : Brian Middleton (Vice President, Bentley)
As the world continues to go digital, the opportunity for creating and connecting infrastructure digital twins is staggeringly vast and diverse. Creating, visualising and analysing infrastructure digital twins beyond the dark data captured in 3D CAD models requires collaboration across the complete supply chain and a change in mindset from a single vendor Common Data Environment to an open source Connected Data Environment. Learn how global leaders are moving from BIM to Digital Twin.
Speaker Bio
Brian Middleton is Bentley Systems Regional Executive and Vice President for Australia and New Zealand. Following a career in the Military he has worked in diverse technology areas including; the World’s first GIS based Computer Aided Rescue System, the UK’s first 100% internet Bank and implementing a network forensic analysis system for US Government Agencies, through to setting up a Predictive Injury Analysis Laboratory for AC Milan soccer club.
A specialist in Asset Lifecycle Information Management, Brian joined Bentley Systems through acquisition in 2010 where he ran three separate Bentley business units across South East Asia until 2015 when he took over his current role as Regional Executive.

18:10 - Managing risks- BIM in public procurement : Ilsa Kuiper (PhD Candidate – University of Melbourne)
Getting BIM right the first time is not always guaranteed. But avoiding unnecessary disputes is an essential part of risk management - including for public project procurement. In the presentation, we look at a case from the High Court of Ireland where BIM was involved as part of the tendering process for a €200M public private partnership (PPP) project. The case highlights the risks involved and further offers practical insights and key lessons learned for those involved in project tendering. For industry practitioners, it means the use of BIM tools is only part of the picture. It is critical to also recognise the implications arising from BIM applications and how parties conduct themselves.
Speaker Bio
A civil engineer turned construction lawyer, Ilsa is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Melbourne in an endeavour to find some answers on BIM and public procurement of infrastructure projects. She also presents on BIM at the university, including as part of the Masters of Construction Law program.

18:35 - Queens Wharf – A Maximo perspective : Nick Rostin (Senior Project Manager – Digital Engineer – PDC Group)
Queens Wharf Brisbane is a $3.6 B entertainment precinct project that includes a pedestrian foot bridge over the Brisbane River, 2,000 residential apartments, 1,000 premium hotel rooms and a 1,000 seat ball room. As the web site says, “Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will provide a wide range of ‘quintessentially Queensland’ experiences to enjoy, and significant economic benefits for the local and state economy.” To make this complex project work has required input from a lot of stakeholders. PDC has been involved in the BIM processes and the impact Maximo integration has had.
This presentation will discuss the project, some workflows, and OmniClass, COBie and Forge integration.
Speaker Bio
With a background in design for engineering consultancy Nick has over 11 years’ design, modelling, building information and construction management experience. Core career experience was formed on multimillion-dollar infrastructure projects where Nick gained a broad range of experiences including creation of design and engineering models, working alongside construction teams and developing & streamlining design processes for major projects. Nick managed the development and delivery of the first BIM in infrastructure model for MRWA for the Great Eastern Highway upgrade, focusing on brown field buried utility capture. Due to the success of the GEHU, the processes developed were rolled out on the Perth MAX light rail feasibility study, Perth City link and Gateway WA projects with great success. Nick is now part of the $3 Billion Queens Wharf BIM team, managing 200+ models, multiple stakeholders and the delivery of an LOD 500 model to the client facilities management team.
Presentation Downloads

19:00 - The UK’s journey towards sector digitisation – an update : David Philp (AECOM Global BIM/MIC Consultancy Director)
As the United Kingdom makes BIM Level 2 business as usual David will explore the next trajectory in the UK’s journey towards a digital built environment. He will explain the current convergence of digital and advanced manufacture themes such as P-DFMA, the digital twin and the digital estate.
Speaker Bio
An early adopter of practical change and purposeful collaboration David is a Chartered Construction Manager by background and Global Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Information Management (Consultancy Director) for AECOM, the global, fully integrated services firm.
David was seconded in the UK Cabinet Office in 2011 as Head of BIM Implementation and has been a key figure in the UK public sector BIM mandate and continues to support through his role with the UK Government’s Centre for Digital Built Britain programme. He was also seconded into the Scottish Future Trust (SFT) as Chair of the BIM Delivery Group and UK BIM Task Group as part of the core team.
He is a Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) where he is also Vice President of the Policy Board.
A Fellow of the ICE, RICS and CIOB he has completed the Virtual Design and Construct at Stanford University, CA. and is a Professor at Heriot-Watt University. He is also a member of the BSI BIM Standards Committee.

19:25 - Victorian Digital Asset Strategy (VDAS) Update : Tim Mumford (Senior Project Manager – Office of Projects Victoria)
The Victorian Digital Asset Strategy – Strategic Framework was delivered in February 2019 with great support from the MelBIM Community. The next phase of the VDAS suite – the VDAS Guidance -- is now in development. Hear from Tim Mumford on an update on VDAS Guidance. In addition to the update, Office of Projects Victoria are seeking input and support from experts within the MelBIM community with the development of key areas within the Guidance document.
Speaker Bio
Tim Mumford is an engineer and project manager with a over decade of experience in public and private sectors. Tim's experience hails from offshore drilling, large mining, minerals, and metals projects, management consulting in projects, and now with the Department of Treasury and Finance. Tim leads the strategy and implementation of the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy.

19:35 - Industry Update
Get the latest BIM news about upcoming BIM events, industry developments and general musings from MelBIM Committee member Will Joske.

19:40 - Networking: Food and Drinks Thanks to Our Sponsor
With the formal part of the evening over, it’s now time to get social. Thanks to our event sponsor, enjoy some complementary ‘BIMbeers’, wine, or soft drink and a casual bite to eat whilst striking up conversation with industry peers and colleagues.