Event Schedule

17:15 - Arrival and Networking
Arrive early to network with other industry leaders before the presentations and formalities begin. Expect to see high representation from Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Manufacturing, Facility Management, Academia and all other forms of BIM industry stakeholders.

17:45 - Welcome and Introduction
Take a seat in our awesome venue for the evening. Make yourself comfy and hear from our fantastic event sponsor

18:00 - Convergence of Blockchain Eco-Systems : Belinda Hodkinson (SMEC)
Blockchain has the potential to be, and looks like it is going to succeed in being, the next major technology advancement. Trajectory figures released indicate the growth is currently exceeding that of the internet in 1994. What does that mean for our markets, the way we work, and more specifically what does that mean for us. Will you be ready when your credentials are tokenised, and we enter the age of human capitalism? Will your business be ready when the supply chain is made completely transparent and your value or unique selling proposition doesn’t weigh up? What if our Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation markets converge with other markets or sectors and we lose the market share we are used to?
Join us as Belinda Hodkinson takes us on a quick discovery of what blockchain could mean to our current and new eco-systems.
Speaker Bio
As a market leader, Belinda Hodkinson offers thought provoking views on the future of Digital Delivery, Digital Transformation Strategy, and the prospects of what going digital truly means to an enterprise.
Belinda is sought out to drive digital transformation from within and consulting to large multi-national multi-discipline business. Primarily to harness the value of digital technologies to optimise business performance and develop new markets. Her 20 years of implementing enterprise-wide solutions, has developed a specialised expertise in business, culture, and the integration of new digital services.
With a unique background spanning across many market sectors, she delivers transformational change in strategy, organisational capability and optimisation, leadership development and overall business transformation. The diversity of Belinda’s work spans across many industries including Buildings, Infrastructure, Utilities and Smart Cities.
Belinda volunteers and leads many industry groups world-wide. She presents at events and conferences as well as conducting closed door thought leadership initiatives with industry and government. Her passion is to improve the productivity of the AECO industries, to enable a sustainable future for business and the environment.

18:25 - Intelligent Greening - BIM, maintenance and the regulatory environment : Ben Nicholson (The Urban Greener / Groof Consulting)
Local governments in Australia’s urban areas are increasingly looking to the private realm to help solve the challenges of climate change and urbanisation. Accordingly, there are recent moves to increase the value apportioned by councils and rating tools to the use of green roofs and walls on buildings. Planning permit conditions are being crafted to ensure points earned for ‘green infrastructure’ are genuinely conferred via the endorsement of maintenance manuals. Planning enforcement may thus occur if green infrastructure is not properly maintained. BIM provides building owners and councils with opportunities to monitor green infrastructure performance via wireless sensors that track key performance data such as humidity, air temperature, soil moisture and leaf cover. This presents building owners and facilities managers with opportunities and challenges.
Speaker Bio
Ben is Director of The Urban Greener, establishing his consultancy in 2007 to assist in the development of Australia's emerging green infrastructure (GI) sector. He helped found Australia’s first peak industry body and received a Churchill Fellowship in 2008 to study international best practice in GI design, construction, maintenance and urban planning policy. An urban planner by profession, Ben has written for various magazines and presented at seminars and conferences. He has consulted on more than 50 projects including the first ‘eco’ green roof on an apartment building in Melbourne and also runs workshops and courses. Ben is a respected industry leader and recently produced Green Infrastructure Planning Guidance Material for the Cities of Melbourne and Moreland.

18:50 - Proactive Model Management : Holger de Groot (HDR)
How do you measure the development of a building information model? Do you have methods in place to understand when the potential for issues occur? The best way to accomplish this is through diagnostic tools that alert users, when certain pre-defined rules are broken, or limits are exceeded. At HDR, we developed the ‘BIM View’ tool – a macro-based model health check solution, combined with a web-based dashboard to visualize the quality and performance of all our Revit models. We basically replaced Dynamo with a macro-based solution, and Power BI with a combination of Vue.js and Data Driven Documents (D3.js), gathering data directly from our active projects and pushing it into a web-based dashboard to proactively manage our models.
Speaker Bio
Holger re-joined HDR in 2017 and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Building Information Modelling & Management, Project Management and Healthcare Design to the Design Technology Leadership Team. As National Director of BIM for the Australian region, his role is to supervise and guide Digital Practice Leaders at HDR. He is responsible for implementing and advising leadership on the corporate Digital Practice BIM Strategy, interacting with various disciplines and advising on BIM matters at all levels. Holger is also a lecturer at the University of NSW, registered at the Institute of Architects (#20262) in Germany (AKNDS), and certified BIM Manager with BIMcreds (Design - Managerial Role).

19:10 - Update on VDAS & Guidance Launch : Tim Mumford (Head of Innovation and Digital, Office of Projects Victoria)
The Victorian Digital Asset Strategy – Strategic Framework was delivered in February 2019 with great support from the MelBIM Community. The next phase of the VDAS suite – the VDAS Guidance – is almost here. Hear from Tim Mumford on an update on VDAS Guidance.
Speaker Bio
Tim Mumford is an engineer and project manager with an over decade of experience in public and private sectors. Tim's experience hails from offshore drilling, large mining, minerals, and metals projects, management consulting in projects, and now with the Department of Treasury and Finance. Tim leads the strategy and implementation of the Victorian Digital Asset Strategy.

19:20 - Industry Update
Get the latest BIM news about upcoming BIM events, industry developments and general musings from MelBIM Committee member Will Joske.

19:30 - Networking: Food and Drinks Thanks to Our Sponsor
With the formal part of the evening over, it’s now time to get social. Thanks to our event sponsor, enjoy some complementary ‘BIMbeers’, wine, or soft drink and a casual bite to eat whilst striking up conversation with industry peers and colleagues.